Castle Rock: Quick Review and Unanswered Questions after Episode 3 (Spoilers)
By: Caleb A
Feel free to comment with your own theories and ideas of how you think the plot will develop!
Castle Rock is the new Hulu Original show with new episodes every Wednesday. The show takes place in the fictional town of Castle Rock, Maine where many of Stephen King’s works take place. As a matter of fact, this mini-series is promised to be an attempt to connect all of King’s works together into one franchise. If you’re a fan of King you’ll enjoy the many callbacks to his work. So far there have been references to Shawshank Redemption, Cujo, The Shining, IT, Needful Things and Children of the Corn with potentially more references. If you’re a fan of mystery stories that have a bit of the supernatural added in, then this is absolutely the show for you.
After binge-watching the first three episodes there are some burning questions that hopefully will be answered. So if you haven’t seen the show yet and want to have it remain unspoiled stop reading here. From this point on a SPOILER ALERT is in effect.
What happened to Henry when he went missing?
The biggest remaining question from the first few episodes is what happened to Henry Deaver when he went missing at age eleven. We know that he was gone for an extended period of time and then randomly turned up in the middle of the frozen lake where Alan Pangborn found him. The show leaves us pondering this mystery even more during the conversation between Henry and the nameless prisoner. Speaking of which...
What is the deal with “The Kid”?
After episode three we learn that the nameless prisoner, or “The Kid” as other websites are calling him, was a prisoner of former Warden Lacy. Lacy states that God told him to lock the man up but aside from that we have very little information about The Kid’s background. He was told by Lacy to ask for Henry specifically if he was found which adds another layer to this mystery. Then to complicate things even more, when Henry finally meets the Kid he says the same thing to Henry that his father said to him the last time they saw each other. We see in a flashback that Mr. Deaver says to Henry “Do you hear it?” while they were in the woods together. When The Kid says this rather cryptic statement to Henry and you can tell that it shakes him to his core.
Does Molly have The Shining or some other similar psychic power?
Throughout the course of these first few episodes, we see that Molly has some sort of empathic connection to certain people. She specifically mentions that this type of connection is especially strong with Henry. Based on the evidence presented so far it is clear that she has some sort of psychic power, but is it more than that? We know that this series will attempt to connect all of King’s works together which gives fans a reason to think that Molly’s connection to Henry might be similar to Danny Torrance’s connection to Dick Halloran in The Shining. Danny could send telepathic messages to Dick and he could feel the emotions and pain that Danny was sending. It doesn’t seem to be too far of a stretch to assume that Molly has a form of The Shining when comparing her experiences so far to the demonstration of the ability in the novel of the same name. She sees people who aren’t there and has flashbacks to the past, similar to Danny and even his father Jack to a lesser extent. The other interesting thing to note is that it appears Molly takes Oxycontin to suppress her powers. In the sequel to The Shining, Doctor Sleep, an adult Danny Torrance falls into a similar behavior pattern by turning to alcohol to suppress his shine powers.
Why does Molly murder Mr. Deaver when she was a child?
Quite possibly the biggest twist so far of the series comes when we find out that Molly was the one who murdered Henry’s father, rather than him succumbing to his injuries like we were told. Molly pulls out his breathing tube while he is sleeping then stands there to watch him die. This is incredibly puzzling because we don’t have a motive yet. We only know that she was heartbroken when Henry went missing. It’s a decision that seems to come out of nowhere but gives us a good insight into the visions that she is plagued with. She sees multiple visions of Henry’s father yelling at her and preaching that she went against God’s will. Hopefully, we can find out how Molly justified her decision and why she did it.
Will we see other iconic King characters in the series?
This show has plenty of references to Stephen King’s works. The opening credits are filled with excerpts from The Shining, IT, Christine, Cujo and other works. This makes me wonder if we’ll actually get to see some of these other characters show up in the town of Castle Rock. It should be noted that the last time Henry was in town was in 1991 and he left for 27 years, returning sometime in 2018. This is significant because, in the novel and movies of IT, It shows up to Derry, Maine every 27 years disguised as Pennywise the Clown. In certain King novels, he makes a point to tell the reader that Derry is the neighboring town to Castle Rock so it might not be out of the question for everyone’s favorite murder clown to show up.
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